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Door Mehmet Cifci

Vrijheid is de mogelijkheid om te laten zien wie je bent.

Vrijheid is dat het niet nodig is om je gedachten of meningen te verbergen of te onderdrukken.

Vrijheid is de mogelijkheid om een toekomst voor je te zien en die te plannen, zonder angst voor onwettige tussenkomst.

Vrijheid is om te kunnen genieten van gerespecteerd te worden door mensen, ook al ben je heel afwijkend van de meerderheid (door je huidskleur, religie, gedachten, etc.).

Freedom – by Mehmet Cifci
Mehmet is Turkish. He has written it himself in Turkish.

Freedom is that you can be who you are,

Freedom is that you don’t have to hide your thoughts and opinions,

Freedom is not having to fear that you might be punished because of “so called crimes”.

Freedom is the ability to see and plan your future without any fear of being cut off unlawfully,

Freedom is to enjoy being respected by people, even though you are totally different (in terms of your colour, religion, thoughts etc.) from the majority.

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